Thursday, August 16, 2012

Individual Organization

     Quick tip here for keeping each child, teen and even adult, organized.  It will also aid in a stress-less trip, especially when traveling with numerous kids.

     This little tote cost about $3.  The size you buy will depend on your needs but do get the smallest one that will be suitable to help save space.  Also, plan on adding a few things to the tote as the trip goes on.  You may be asking - What will each person put in this tote?  Think about.  Cell phone, camera, batteries, lip balm, sunscreen, hair brush, dental wax (yeah - we have traveled with those painful braces) wallet, loose change, cds, jewelry, prescription bottles, binkies, flash lights, sunglasses - do I need to go on?   Everything that would end up falling out the car door at that quicky potty break or the items that you want to have close by and not have to be searching under the seats for, especially in the dark.  They can easily be carried into a hotel room in one hand.  Kids love to decorate them to fit their style. And - you can use them year after year.

     Best part - each person, young and old, is responsible for keeping their own items in their own tote. 

     How will this save you money and help on the budget?  Each person will be able to look at their supplies before leaving and know they have their needs.  You won't have to replace the chap stick that got lost under the seat or the hair brush that is mixed in with some buried dirty close bag, or replace sunglasses that a big foot came in contact with, and heaven forbid you have to replace a prescription that got accidentally tossed into the fast food garbage bag.  The prescription alone would pay for many totes. 

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